Thursday, September 20, 2012

inspired by suffering

suffering is a component of life. in fact, this world we live in constantly groans from the veracity and ubiquity of its presence. one cannot simply pick up and say, "i've had enough," and find a life devoid of it. sure, one can find death but who's to say suffering ceases? sure, one is physically freed--in non-existence--but what is this 'freedom' if a soul is still entrapped in suffering?

of course, then, you must agree that we are spiritual beings. if you don't, you must at least consider the notion. why do we crave worship? irrespective of religious belief, look at some tendencies; our world worships power, affluence, fame, beauty, self, ___you name it___ . simply existing, consuming physical space, fails to fulfill our human longings. and where do these longings birth but in the soul, aiming at a target in worship. i'd go so far to argue we not only crave worship but are designed to worship.

so, what of suffering?

my words cycle around it and through it--a dangerously enticing idea, intriguing but never a deep longing for its resurgence (unless, of course, for narcissistic, self-depricating which case, i suggest, one simply muddles in existence if through desiring suffering anticipates pity). the craving for  and development, maturation, rectification, etc. directly conflicts with the worship of self-preservation.

picture clay--used clay but no longer of use, tossed aside. but by the unnumbered days of monotony in the recycling bin and the unanticipated reparation through the pug mill, the clay is again molded and formed. i do not know what technically happens in the pug mill, yet, i know the clay is not designed for the purpose of experiencing the pug mill. the process, however, enables the fulfillment of its purpose.

i submit, then, to suffer lends to worship.

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