Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Start to a Statement

I interviewed a classmate in order to practice writing an artist statement...this is written from the perspective of Dixon about his work.

Structure is my inspiration. I create focused on functionality. If a piece of work exists simply for staring pleasure and contemplation, then it is nothing more than a pile of clay.

Structure is essential. I spent much of my time during high school in the studio. Second to ceramics, I focused on black and white photography, inspired by the structure in nature. I avoided people at all costs—too much emotion and inconsistency. My muse was outside, functional structure and existence for survival. Soon this mindset permeated all aspects of my art, and especially ceramics.

As I entered college, my schedule was functional. I decided to study economics and structured my classes as a means to an end. EARN A DEGREE. Realizing now that the end is imminent, I find myself back in the studio, slab in hand, searching for structure. Processing each method, slabs are the key to construction. Plan. Template. Cut. Slab. Assemble. Smooth. Dry. Fire. Glaze. Fire. Use. If the planned functionality fails, redo.

Aesthetic design evades my concern. I am a minimalist. Clean lines and smooth surfaces—every detail contributing to functionality. 

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